Lessons From A Board Room

As I am returning to serve on a Board of Directors after a two years in the group’s general population I have looked into the current administration and see much that troubles me. While I am FAR from perfect and have made many mistakes (and I’m sure, more to come) I am willing to step up, take responsibility, ask forgiveness and make it right! I would rather have a leader who is willing to be flawed and work towards perfection than one who always looks good, sounds better and hides behind a smiling facade.

Here are the Lessons I have learned from a Board Room:

  • Remember that you have been elected to SERVE the Membership and NOT yourself.
  • Know the laws that you are governing with. Bylaws are not suggestions.
  • Never make snap decisions.
  • Obtain the counsel of other who have gone before you WITHIN that organization, first, and that of qualified outsiders if necessary. Godly counsel is a must in my opinion.
  • Remember that a your Membership will usually have rights within the organization. They may exercise them at anytime and they should.
  • Be transparent always but be courteous of the privacy of others. It’s o.k. to admit to mistakes. Just do right!
  • Respect the views of those who serve along with you and those you serve. Do not shut down discussions that are not harmful because you disagree with them.
  • Do not preach it-be it! People want to see what you say shine through your actions and not just beautifully verbalized. Talk is cheap!
  • You know what excuses are like… Passing the buck is unacceptable!
  • If you refuse to learn history, you will be the one to repeat it!

As I move forward in this journey I pray that I can be the opposite of what I have recently witnessed. I want to be a blessing to the organization I am about to serve and not bring fourth strife and division. I want to be a shining example and bring honor and glory to my Lord. If this reaches your heart, please don’t hesitate to send prayers!

One thought on “Lessons From A Board Room

  1. Preach it sister! You know I’ll be praying : ) You will do great. You’ve done it faithfully before and you’ll only be better this time around because you’ve got a few more years of life experience and spiritual growth under your belt.

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