Ahh, the start of another perfect day… out the window!

It’s Sunday! Our day to enjoy life and each other! I had been excited and waiting for this all week long. Last week TMOMD and I were discussing schedules and possible events, etc coming up and I excitedly telling him my latest idea of how our life should be-on Sunday.

Picture this: Breakfast, lunch and dinner are prepped and just need to be put in the crock pot, oven or grill. The house is clean and the laundry room looks neglected because it’s void of clothes & towels for once. We wake up because we are rested (at 7am) and get ready to start the day. Breakfast is delicious (I didn’t drop any on myself) and we are off to church. Once our hearts are filled from worship & fellowship we head home to leisurely eat some lunch and enjoy time as a family or with friends. Life is good, dinner is great and we are ready to start another week!

Then came a discussion last night.  TMOMD was adamant that we need to take tomorrow (Sunday) and really “hit it” we need to “be productive” because we have too much to do. I didn’t say a word and tried not to show my disappointment because he is right. We do need to get a lot done. However, we really do need a day that we can enjoy the life we are striving so hard to have! I’m sure not saying anything did aid in my attitude last night and didn’t curb my bickering attitude and he could feel tension and wasn’t sure why.

Now this morning I find my self not wanting to get out of bed. The crabbiness from last night is still fresh in my mind and I don’t want to deal with what might still be lingering between us. I pulled myself out of bed when my back started to hurt and I didn’t wake TMOMD. He could sleep for days on end if I don’t wake him. I am looking around the house as I type this and I see socks on the floor, glasses not taken to the kitchen, plates not cleared, pizza that never found the fridge and a new colony of dust bunnies that don’t look friendly. At least once a week the house gets away from me and I have to gather myself and get back on task. Sometimes it happens because we are so busy and, lets face it…over committed. Sometimes it happens out of laziness. This was a combo pack. Lazy & over committed. Sigh…

Here is my plan. I’ll make my way quickly through the house and pick up, dust, do some dishes, gather all of the laundry and get lunch and dinner ready. OK, I’ll get the meals planned at least. I hope. Then maybe when TMOMD wakes, he will see the beautifully cleaned house and I can rescue my perfect Sunday from the clutches of productivity! Maybe he will forget all about the garage & yard work…

Maybe I should just climb back into bed and snuggle with TMOMD for a little while longer.